Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Forgot router username and password how to reset router

Linksys router reset button

Naijaspott does not assist users in bypassing this security measure. If this is your router and you've forgotten the username or password we suggest that the router be hard reset and then setup with a new username and password.
Default username and password

Before doing a hard reset on the router you may want to try the default username and password. While this is not the same for all routers, this may allow you access to your router.
Username: Admin or Administrator
Password: <Blank>, admin, password, or try just pressing enter.
If this does not work and you believe the router is using the default username and passwords try viewing the default settings at
Resetting your router

If the default username and password doesn't work it's likely you or someone whose setup your router has enabled a password that has been forgotten. Most routers have a small pinhole button on the back or bottom of the router (like that shown in the picture), pressing this button in and holding on this button for 10-15 seconds will hard reset the router. After this has been done setup the router again and enter a username and password that you can write down.

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